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  • Episode 59 - Was Coach Saban Right?

    Episode 59 - Was Coach Saban Right?

    Coach Nick Saban has been talking a lot lately about the "modern day athlete" - was he right?
    As a coach, it was always my goal to prepare my athletes for their future life no matter if they were a professional athlete or not...but the it seems the ultimate question is:
    Does money solve all these athletes' problems?

    For more podcasts,

  • Episode 58 Why Won't We Do What We're Told

    Episode 58 Why Won't We Do What We're Told

    What's the #1 thing that bugs me the most about human beings as behavior coach, consultant and pastor?

  • Episode 57 A Friend Always Asks Advice, But Never Takes It

    Episode 57 A Friend Always Asks Advice, But Never Takes It

    Have you ever had that friend who always and constantly asks for advice, but never does anything you tell them to do? “America’s Behavior Expert” tells you how to deal with this kind of “friend.”

  • Episode 56 Should I Do What Makes Me Happy?

    Episode 56 Should I Do What Makes Me Happy?

    This question is posed to me quite a bit when people are contemplating a life change of some sort - career, marriage/divorce, confrontations with families and boundary issues.

    How much should you consider your own personal happiness versus the needs or desires of others? A weighty question that we all struggle with from time to time. Here's some simple (not easy) guidelines for you...

  • Episode 55 Should I Get Married?

    Episode 55 Should I Get Married?

    People ask me all the time, "Should I Get Married?"...
    Here's my response...

  • Episode 54 Why Are Your Children My Problem

    Episode 54 Why Are Your Children My Problem

    Another "What's My Problem?" podcast...Why is it everywhere I go these days, unruly children are allowed to ruin adult social interactions?

    What is the appropriate way to respond? Business owners - you especially will want to watch this video!

  • Episode 54 Why Are Your Children My Problem
  • Episode 53 Is This The Laziest Generation?

    Episode 53 Is This The Laziest Generation?

    With me being a "tail end Baby Boomer," I hear my friends and associates complain all the time about "today's kids."

    Is this generation REALLY the laziest generation we've ever seen? From a behavior perspective, I'm sharing my thoughts about my observations...

  • Episode 52 Does Gender Confusion Exist   Released 10 18 23

    Episode 52 Does Gender Confusion Exist Released 10 18 23

    In a topic relevant to today's news and discussions, behavior expert Scot Ferrell has a frank conversation about gender confusion - does it really exist?

  • Episode 51 Another Customer Service Nightmare

    Episode 51 Another Customer Service Nightmare

    From time to time, I share my own personal experiences about how businesses show no love or respect to their own customers. This one is especially painful since it involves my own personal club…

  • Episode 50 What Is The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Spouse

    Episode 50 What Is The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Spouse

    Having a great relationship with your spouse boils down to one you know what that is? Tune into today's podcast to find out!

  • Episode 49 Do You Listen to Videos In Public?

    Episode 49 Do You Listen to Videos In Public?

    It is me? I go somewhere to have lunch, dinner or coffee and someone pulls their phone out and starts listening to videos at high volumes, as if no one else is around...what has happened to people these days? If this gets on your nerves as well, you need to watch this video!

  • Episode 48 Why Do We Listen To Celebrities

    Episode 48 Why Do We Listen To Celebrities

    In today's age of easily accessible information and gurus available at the touch of a keyboard, why in the world do we listen (and care) about the opinions and comments of celebrities? Behavior expert Scot Ferrell dives into this interesting subject...if you've ever been caught reading celebrity mags in the grocery store line, this video is for you!

  • Episode 47 Can People Change?

    Episode 47 Can People Change?

    As a behavior expert, people ask me to “change” their husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, friends, coworkers or family members. Is this even possible? Find out here…

  • Episode 46 Why Can't Kids Behave In Public

    Episode 46 Why Can't Kids Behave In Public

    It never wife and I go out to eat and our entire experience is ruined by kids who don't know how to behave. It's gotten so bad lately, that before we are seated, we ask NOT to be seated near any children...and we know we're not along in feeling that way. Why is this happening? After 30+ years of working with children, I'm offering my expert opinion on why this is such a problem now.

  • Episode 45 Dating? You're The Problem!

    Episode 45 Dating? You're The Problem!

    If you can't ever seem to find the right partner and you continue to experience horrible relationships over and over, maybe the problem is YOU!

    Scot Ferrell shares the 3 tips to finding the right partner for you!

  • Episode 44 I’ve Lost My Job & I’m Devastated - What Do I Do?

    Episode 44 I’ve Lost My Job & I’m Devastated - What Do I Do?

    If you've lost your job and are devastated, you need to watch this video for some strategic logistic and emotional tips to help you move forward quickly.

  • Episode 43 What Is the #1 Thing Couples Argue About

    Episode 43 What Is the #1 Thing Couples Argue About

    Most people, if asked this question, would say money...but surprisingly, that is NOT the correct answer!

    If you've ever had an argument with your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, you MUST listen to this video to keep your life more peaceful and joyful!

  • Episode 42 Are You Waiting for God to Bring What You Want?

    Episode 42 Are You Waiting for God to Bring What You Want?

    Most Christians make two mistakes with their faith - they never decide what they want out of their lives and don't know how to achieve it with God's help and they believe that God will simply drop what they want in their lap, not understanding the role they need to play according to Mark 11:22-25.

    To open your life's possibilities up, absorb this message and change your speech to maximize your belief!

  • Episode 41 Why Do Women Dress Up & Men Dress Down?

    Episode 41 Why Do Women Dress Up & Men Dress Down?

    If you're going out to dinner with your sweetie for Valentine's Day (or any other occasion), you might want to watch this!

    It's the age old question: Why do women dress up & men dress down?

  • Episode 40 What’s MY Problem in 2023?

    Episode 40 What’s MY Problem in 2023?

    Normally, I’m dealing with everyone else’s problems, but today, I share my challenge to deal with in 2023 and how I’m going to approach it and how YOU should approach your own problems to have a much more successful life in 2023!

  • Episode 39 Do You Give The Perfect Gift?

    Episode 39 Do You Give The Perfect Gift?

    On Valentine’s Day, you may give flowers, candy or jewelry to someone - how do you know if that's what they really want? Find out more about how to pick the perfect gift for those you love!

  • Episode 38  I Don't Celebrate Valentine's Day - Why?

    Episode 38 I Don't Celebrate Valentine's Day - Why?

    For years now, I have not celebrated or acknowledged Valentine’s Day.


    Am I just a jerk, mean to my wife or do I dismiss all “emotional” holidays?

    Find out why I avoid VDay like the plague…

  • Episode 37  My Kid Is Dating Someone I Hate - What Do I Do?

    Episode 37 My Kid Is Dating Someone I Hate - What Do I Do?

    It’s every parent’s worst nightmare - your child starts dating someone you hate and you have no idea what to do or how to stop it without pushing them further into the relationship.

    Here’s a few strategies for you…

  • Episode 36 How To Keep Your Mouth Shut During An Argument With Spouse

    Episode 36 How To Keep Your Mouth Shut During An Argument With Spouse

    Have you ever been in the middle of an argument and know that the next words out of your mouth would take you and your loved one "over the edge"?

    Why do we do that? Find out more about your own self-sabotaging behaviors in this video!

  • Episode 35 How Do I Stop Eating Sugar?

    Episode 35 How Do I Stop Eating Sugar?

    It’s a new year with lots of people concerned about their health - have you been told you need to stop eating sugar or start/stop some other habit that’s good/bad for you?

    How do you do it?

    Here’s my advice…

  • Episode 34 What to Do When Your  Ex  Re Enters Your Life

    Episode 34 What to Do When Your Ex Re Enters Your Life

    We’ve all had it happen…that certain someone who made our heart flutter and then crushed us, returns to our life, promising that they’ve changed or they’re now serious about a life with you or a myriad of other promises you’re just not sure they’re going to keep. Your gut tells you to run, but your heart may betray you. What do you do? “America’s Behavior Expert” Scot Ferrell gives some tough love advice today to keep you from getting your heart broken - again - and possibly destroying your future and your entire life.

  • Episode 33 How Do I Deal with an Addict?

    Episode 33 How Do I Deal with an Addict?

    In this episode Scot Ferrell tackles a situation he sees regularly - addiction. How can you get someone suffering from addiction sober? How can you keep them safe and help them through their recovery? What if they are completely resistant to committing to a sober lifestyle? Scot answers your questions in this episode!

  • Episode 32 How Do I Get My Child to Go to Church?

    Episode 32 How Do I Get My Child to Go to Church?

    According to Barna surveys, this current Christian generation is leaving the church behind. As parents, you are responsible for the salvation and continual spiritual growth of your children. From a behavioral standpoint, how should you raise your children so that their faith continues to thrive?
    Scot Ferrell tackles raising your children in the Christian faith and from a behavioral and biblical standpoint how to keep their faith strong!

  • Episode 31 What Does Tipping Do For Me?

    Episode 31 What Does Tipping Do For Me?

    We've all had that debate. To tip or not to tip? If you tip, how much? This single concept causes arguments and divides relationships. Scot Ferrell discusses his experience of tipping from a Biblical and behavioral point of view, analyzing what is does for the other person, for you physically and spiritually.

  • Episode 30 Why You Don't Need to Fit In

    Episode 30 Why You Don't Need to Fit In

    Regardless of how old you are, this unavoidable urge to fit the status quo never changes. No one is immune to the insecurity that comes with going against the grain or not being able to naturally conform to the norms of society. It is important not to succumb to the pressures of the status quo in order to become who you were designed by God to be. Scot Ferrell lends his advice as a behavior expert and pastor in discussing why trying to fit in goes against God's will for you and also how it leads to destructive behavior patterns.

  • Episode 29 Why Don't New Years Resolutions Work?

    Episode 29 Why Don't New Years Resolutions Work?

    Do you tell yourself going into every year that it's going to be "your year?" Do you end every year stifling disappointment at where you are, thinking you'd be far ahead?
    Scot Ferrell discusses today the common things that are missing from your yearly planning that are impacting your life!

  • Episode 28 How Do I Deal With Holiday Anxiety?

    Episode 28 How Do I Deal With Holiday Anxiety?

    Do you dread going to events? Are the holidays a source of anxiety due to family gatherings and holiday events you get roped into going to? Scot Ferrell discusses his own experience with crowd-induced anxiety and offers some tips to helping you get through large gatherings and perhaps even begin to enjoy them!

  • Episode 27 How Do I Become a Successful Parent?

    Episode 27 How Do I Become a Successful Parent?

    How do I raise my children right? Will being a single parent hurt my children? How do I become a better parent to my children? Becoming a single parent comes with many obstacles and Scot is here to give advice and help any struggling single parent! Be sure to listen to this episode if you have asked any concerns about parenting or being a single parent.

  • Episode 26 How do I Deal with Coworkers Who Dislike Me?

    Episode 26 How do I Deal with Coworkers Who Dislike Me?

    While dealing with a job you hate is a common problem, dealing with coworkers that you just don't get along with can have the same if not more of a negative impact on your life.
    The social and personal emotional implications of not dealing properly with coworkers you don't get along with can leave a lasting negative impact on you. In this episode, Scot Ferrell offers some suggestions on how to remedy this type of situation!

  • Episode 25 Why Are You Anxious?

    Episode 25 Why Are You Anxious?

    Everyone in some form has experienced feelings of anxiety. No matter how hard we try, some situations that we know might induce anxiety are unavoidable. So what do we do when we are plagued with negative thoughts?

    Scot Ferrell discusses this in today's episode in hopes to give some advice and coping mechanisms to help get you through tough situations.

  • Episode 24 Letting Go of Your Kids

    Episode 24 Letting Go of Your Kids

    It's the moment most parents dread - having to face the reality that their child isn't a kid anymore. Many parents are reluctant to accept the reality and refuse to treat your grown kids as adults which, in the end, only drives them further away.

    In this episode, Scot Ferrell discusses how to cope with the struggle that comes with recognizing your children are all grown up!

  • Episode 23 How Do I Cope With my Parents Getting Older

    Episode 23 How Do I Cope With my Parents Getting Older

    Growing up, we think our parents are invincible. How do we cope with the reality of our parents getting older? What can you do when your parents reject the help they so desperately need?
    Scot Ferrell examines this situation to give you some advice on how to transition into this chapter of your lives how to help your parents do so too.

  • Episode 22 Envy

    Episode 22 Envy

    We've all felt that sickening, nausea-inducing feeling in the pit of our stomach when someone around us gets a new romance, a promotion, car, money or other material rewards.

    What is it in human beings that makes us root for others to fail or to want what others have without making the sacrifices that they've probably made to get there and how do we deal with it?

    That sickening feeling is envy - an insidious and potentially poisonous emotion that almost all humans feel at one point - or every day.

    Today, "America's Behavior Expert" Scot Ferrell, discusses frankly why we can't be happy for others when they succeed or enjoy the fruits of their labors.
    You don't have to suffer from this feeling anymore...listen now and be free of this most corrosive emotion!

  • Episode 21 Shut Your Mouth

    Episode 21 Shut Your Mouth

    Have you ever been on a date with someone who will not stop talking? They overrun the conversation and you feel either overwhelmed or bored of having to listen? Words are a powerful creating tool that manifest your reality. The more we talk the less we are in control of what comes from our speech.
    In this episode, Scot Ferrell goes over the process of "believe, speak, receive" and urges you to follow a few steps that will change your perspective on verbal speech.

  • Episode 20 How Should I Get Married?

    Episode 20 How Should I Get Married?

    The common opinion is that your wedding is the biggest event of you and your spouse's life. But in reality, your wedding day is the first day in a lifetime of experiences a couple will share throughout their lives.

    Put in that context, how are you and your future spouse supposed to make wedding plans? Do you have a big wedding or a courthouse wedding? Should it be big or intimate?

    Scot tackles these big questions in this episode in hopes to help couples start off their marriage on the right foot!

  • Episode 19 Should I (Or My Child) Go to College?

    Episode 19 Should I (Or My Child) Go to College?

    Every year, thousands of students and parents agonize over the finances, life planning, social and academic issues surrounding attending college.

    Should every child attend college and why have the statistics surrounding college and attendance changed so drastically over the last 20 years?

    Should your child attend college? If you are unsure, you do not want to miss this podcast!

  • Episode 18 Why Do We Self-Limit

    Episode 18 Why Do We Self-Limit

    Do you feel as if your life hits an invisible wall every time you reach out to achieve a personal, professional, spiritual, financial or physical goal? Have you ever wondered what causes this?

    Is this a spiritual, motivational or emotional issue? More importantly, how do you fix this situation?

    On this podcast, Scot Ferrell discusses this issue and provides more information on how to successfully overcome these behaviors.

  • Episode 17 Are Men Idiots?

    Episode 17 Are Men Idiots?

    New evidence published in the British Medical Journal (“The Darwin Awards: sex differences in idiotic behaviour) supports the fact that men are idiots and do stupid things. Researchers in England recently conducted an analysis of the sex differences in idiotic behavior – and their findings are not surprising.

    They reviewed data on the idiotic behavior demonstrated by winners of the Darwin Award over a 20-year period, noting specifically the sex of the winner. To qualify for a Darwin Award, nominees have to eliminate themselves from the human race, by mistake or accidentally.

    Of these 318 verified cases, 282 Darwin Awards were won by males (with just 36 awards given to females). This means that males made up 88,7% of Darwin Award winners – a sex difference that is statistically significant and (this is the important part) consistent with the MIT hypothesis that idiots do stupid, dangerous things, men do stupid things, therefore men are idiots, say the authors.

    So, today's topic is scientifically proven...and if you're a dude and have ever smelled one of your buddy's socks or ripe gym bag, you may want to give this one a listen!

  • Episode 16 Video Why Does the Death of a Loved One Hurt so Much

    Episode 16 Video Why Does the Death of a Loved One Hurt so Much

    For many people, the death of someone close is one of the most traumatic things that can happen. How do we navigate the pain of the loss of someone we love?
    Scot Ferrell goes through the vital emotional process you must go through after you have lost a loved one to answer the question - how can you cope with losing someone you love?

  • 3/9/23

    Episode 15 - Dating Tips If You're Over 50

    Are you single? Over 50? Looking for real love or just companionship? Don't miss this helpful video!

  • Episode 14 Can You Get Past Sexual Abuse/Assault?

    Episode 14 Can You Get Past Sexual Abuse/Assault?

    In this sensitive podcast, "America's Behavior Expert" Scot Ferrell gives you hope for moving past sexual abuse and assault.

    His work with hundreds of assault and abuse victims, combined with his own personal experience with the subject, have given hope and encouragement to many who initially felt that they would never move past these horrific experiences that are holding them back from their full potential in relationships, careers, confidence and self-love.

    Please note that this Episode deals with Scot discussing this topic in a frank and honest manner, so please listen with caution if age-inappropriate listeners are present.

  • Episode 13 Part 2 : Assorted Questions From the Audience

    Episode 13 Part 2 : Assorted Questions From the Audience

    Scot Ferrell takes his podcast "on the road" in front of a live audience and takes questions from his viewers. Questions include:
    - What do I do when my adult, married son won't speak to me?
    - As a parent, what do I do when my teenage son has been dumped and is heartbroken?

    Learn more about successful parenting and life behavior strategies from "America's Behavior Expert" Scot Ferrell in this episode. Send in your behavior questions to and have Scot solve your problem on his podcast!

    Filmed on location at the Currahee Club, Toccoa, Georgia

  • Episode 12 Assorted Questions from the Audience

    Episode 12 Assorted Questions from the Audience

    In this episode, Scot takes questions from his live studio audience. The questions include:
    1. What's the most important thing I can do to each my children about finances?
    2. What's the most important advice you can give me to prepare for a date?
    Enjoy behavior strategies from Scot in a beautiful, new podcast setting at the Currahee Club, Toccoa, Georgia

  • Episode 11 "Glory Day" Dads

    Episode 11 "Glory Day" Dads

    Ladies, what do you do with "Glory Days Dads"? You know the type - the guy who watches film for 5-year-old rec league football games, plans his 8-year-old entry into the NFL or NBA (even though the kid is obviously not talented, even at an early age), regales everyone with stories about his high school sports achievements - even when you don't ask.

    "America's Behavior Expert" gives you tips and strategies on how to deal with these out of touch Dads, especially if your child has to deal with them as a coach or parent of a teammate and gives you behavioral ways to deal with young children who are playing sports and having to suffer under this type of personality.

    Don't miss this hilarious episode - especially if your kids are in community or rec sports!

  • Episode 10 Why Do You Talk So Much?

    Episode 10 Why Do You Talk So Much?

    Do you have that friend who talks incessantly, with no value in what they say? Why do people fill like they have to fill every moment with meaningless chatter?

    Today, What's Your Problem deals with the reasons why people talk so much.
    Are you one of those people who talks all the time? Do you know why you can't be quiet?

    If you are or have friends or family members who talk too much, you cannot skip this podcast!

  • Episode  9 Do You Play Favorites With Your Kids?

    Episode 9 Do You Play Favorites With Your Kids?

    Did you grow up thinking that one of your siblings was the favorite of your parents? Do parents actually really do this?

    Do your kids argue a lot? Are you close with your kids and do they have close relationships with other people? Do they display "anger issues" for "no apparent reason"?

    If your children are not displaying these behaviors, if could be a signal that you are favoring one child over another.

    Scot Ferrell, whose expertise in the area of parenting is well documented, talks with brutal honesty to parents about the negative side effects of doing this to your children. If you're a parent, you don't want this podcast to go by without your notice!

  • Episode 8 Should I Take the New Job or Promotion?

    Episode 8 Should I Take the New Job or Promotion?

    Have you ever been offered a new job or a promotion? How do you make the decision whether or not to move forward with these types of opportunities?

    Did you realize that this situation can reveal the secret reasons why you make the professional decisions you do?

    Scot Ferrell, "America's Behavior Expert," offers solid advice on how to make the right decisions when it comes to career opportunities.

    A must listen podcast for those in career crisis!

  • Episode 7 Why Are You Mad at Rich People?

    Episode 7 Why Are You Mad at Rich People?

    In this episode, Scot Ferrell explores why people are mad at "the rich." What causes these feelings and where do these feelings of hatred, anger and bitterness come from when people look at "rich people."

    Do you harbor feelings of envy or jealousy towards people who are wealthy? Do you feel as if your life is harder than people who have money?

    Scot explains these deep-seated feelings and explores how this impacts us personally and as a society and how you can change these feelings that could be limiting you from achieving what you want in life.

  • Episode 6 The Angriest Man I Have Ever Known

    Episode 6 The Angriest Man I Have Ever Known

    In the popular show "Justified," US Marshal Raylan Givens is confronted by his ex-wife Winona when he returns to his hometown. When he unexpectedly shows up on her doorstep late one night, they have this exchange:

    Givens: "I guess I never thought of myself as an angry man."

    Winona: "Well, you do a good job of hiding it, and I suppose most folks don't see it, but honestly, you're the angriest man I have ever known.

    Does this describe you? Is your anger in proportion to the events that are provoking your reactions? Are you constantly having outbursts, yelling at your loved ones and saying things you don't mean because you're angry - all the time?

    Scot tackles one of the most frequent emotional struggles almost all of us have - anger. Discover how to diffuse and destroy the root causes of this damaging emotion.

  • Episode 5 License to Chill

    Episode 5 License to Chill

    Do you wake up each day thinking, "I really need some time off" and when you finally get it, find yourself filling the time with meaningless busy work that makes you even more stressed out? Do you put everyone's needs ahead of your own and never seek a moment for yourself to think, relax and shut out the world?

    It's easy to draw a bubble bath or take a walk, but do you know why you don't take this time for yourself and how that choice might be destroying your life? Behavior coach and consultant Scot Ferrell explains the hidden reasons why we don't just slow down and relax. He tells you not only how to chill but why you need to and don't...this episode is a must listen!

  • Episode 4 I'm Getting Married Soon - Now What?

    Episode 4 I'm Getting Married Soon - Now What?

    After the invitations, china, gift list and clothing have been purchased and completed, now what do you do when you're getting married? How do you make sure that the choice you've made is the correct one?

    Are you having second thoughts or are you getting nervous about walking down the aisle? Scot covers the behavioral steps to take to make sure you're marrying the right person and how to get yourself ready for the walk down the aisle.

  • Episode 3 My Kid Is A Drug Addict - Help Me!

    Episode 3 My Kid Is A Drug Addict - Help Me!

    It's one of a parent's worst nightmares - you wake up one day and realize that your child is hooked on drugs, alcohol or has some other addictive behaviors. As a parent, how do you deal with it and get your child the help that they really need and what do you do for yourself when coming to terms with the problem?

    Scot tackles these tough questions in this episode of What's Your Problem?

  • Episode 2 Are You Lost in Life?

    Episode 2 Are You Lost in Life?

    Do you wake up in the morning, hating your job, your spouse, and your life? Is life one big meaningless exercise where you feel like you are just going through the motions each day? Although many "experts" talk about life purpose, very few know how to logistically teach you the ways to discover your own specific, individual purpose that gives your life meaning and direction.

    In this episode, Scot discusses how to discover your purpose and use it to improve your life, relationships, career, and leisure.

  • Episode 1 How to Find Your Prince/Princess Charming

    Episode 1 How to Find Your Prince/Princess Charming

    Have you tried and tried and still can't find the perfect person to share your life with? Do you feel lonely because you think finding your soulmate is a hopeless cause? Would you like to know what you're doing wrong in your search for the perfect man or woman?
    "America's Behavior Expert" Scot Ferrell explains why people have so much trouble finding the ideal mate for themselves and gives you practical, logistical steps you can take TODAY to get you closer to your trip down the aisle!