
Episode 17 Are Men Idiots?

New evidence published in the British Medical Journal (“The Darwin Awards: sex differences in idiotic behaviour) supports the fact that men are idiots and do stupid things. Researchers in England recently conducted an analysis of the sex differences in idiotic behavior – and their findings are not surprising.

They reviewed data on the idiotic behavior demonstrated by winners of the Darwin Award over a 20-year period, noting specifically the sex of the winner. To qualify for a Darwin Award, nominees have to eliminate themselves from the human race, by mistake or accidentally.

Of these 318 verified cases, 282 Darwin Awards were won by males (with just 36 awards given to females). This means that males made up 88,7% of Darwin Award winners – a sex difference that is statistically significant and (this is the important part) consistent with the MIT hypothesis that idiots do stupid, dangerous things, men do stupid things, therefore men are idiots, say the authors.

So, today's topic is scientifically proven...and if you're a dude and have ever smelled one of your buddy's socks or ripe gym bag, you may want to give this one a listen!


Episode 18 Why Do We Self-Limit


Episode 16 Video Why Does the Death of a Loved One Hurt so Much