
Episode 11 "Glory Day" Dads

Ladies, what do you do with "Glory Days Dads"? You know the type - the guy who watches film for 5-year-old rec league football games, plans his 8-year-old entry into the NFL or NBA (even though the kid is obviously not talented, even at an early age), regales everyone with stories about his high school sports achievements - even when you don't ask.

"America's Behavior Expert" gives you tips and strategies on how to deal with these out of touch Dads, especially if your child has to deal with them as a coach or parent of a teammate and gives you behavioral ways to deal with young children who are playing sports and having to suffer under this type of personality.

Don't miss this hilarious episode - especially if your kids are in community or rec sports!


Episode 12 Assorted Questions from the Audience


Episode 10 Why Do You Talk So Much?